General Education requirement details are found in the University Curricula section.
The following courses have been approved to fulfill Salisbury University General Education requirements.
Not all General Education courses are offered every semester. Check GullNet to see which courses are available in the upcoming semester.
Civic and Community Engagement
ART 380 New Media II
EDFN 210 - School in a Diverse Society
MKTG 341 - Marketing for Non-Profit and Public Sector Organizations
PHED 275 - Management and Instructional Strategies in Physical Education
PHIL 103 - Critical Thinking
PHIL 207 Philosophy of Education
PSYC 415 - Community Psychology
Diversity and Inclusion
ANTH 100 - Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics
CADR 205 - Conflict Resolution in Diverse Schools
ENGL 257 - Introduction to Multiethnic U.S. Literatures
ENGL 338 - Literature of the Queer
ENGL 382 - African-American Literature I
ENGL 423 - Educational Linguistics
ENGL 468 - Disability Rhetoric
ENVR 205 - Art, Nature, Culture
ENVR 320 - Environmental Justice
FILM 404 - International Cinema
HIST 212 - Pan-Africanism and Black Liberation
HIST 225 - Holocaust: The Destruction of Jewish Life in Europe
HIST 315 African American History from 1865
HIST 364 - Modern Japan
HIST 384 - Native American History
HLTH 340 - Unequal Burdens in Health
PHED 400 - Adapted Physical Education
POSC 470 - Race and Social Justice
PSYC 275 - Psychology of Power and Privilege
SCED 416 - Literature for Adolescence
SOCI 313 - Criminology and Penology
SOCI 314 - Sociology of Gender
SOCI 325 - Sexuality, Alternatives and Society
SOCI 331 - Racial and Cultural Minorities
SOCI 334 - Sociology of Mental Health
SOCI 339 - Immigration
SOWK 309 - Privilege and Oppression
SOWK 351 - Deaf Culture and Deaf History
SOWK 475 - Disabilities Studies: Culture and Practice
Environmental Sustainability
ART 365 - Woodworking and Sculpture
BIOL 150 - Environmental Science: Concepts and Methods
BIOL 202 - Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Ecology
CHEM 381 Environmental Chemistry
ENVR 102 - Introduction to Sustainability
GEOG 106 The Dynamic Environment
GEOG 111 - Introduction to Oceans and Coasts
GEOG 150 - Environmental Science: Concepts and Methods
HIST 211 - The Environment in History
HLTH 220 - Environmental Health
POSC 360 - Environmental Policy
SOCI 322 - ‘Over’Population/’Over’Consumption
SOCI 390 - Sociology of the Environment
SOWK 210 - Environmental Sustainability and Environmental Justice
URPL 100 Creating Sustainable Cities
First Year Seminar
FYS ART01 - Strange Coincidences: Synchronicity and Creativity
FYS ART05 - Natural Design
FYS BIO01 - Eastern Shore Ecosystems and Sustainability
FYS BIO02 - Exploring the Human Microbiome
FYS BIO03 - Biology of Sex
FYS BIO04 Wildlife Trafficking
FYS BUS01 - Corporations in America: For Worse and For Better
FYS CHM01 - Decoding the Future: How RNA Can Change the World
FYS EDU01 - How People Learn
FYS EDU03 - Harvesting Migrant Stories
FYS EDU04 Culture Wars: Democracy in Education
FYS ENG01 - Intersection of Identity and Culture
FYS ENG02 - Rhetoric and Ethics of True Crime
FYS ENG03 - Disability and Superheroes
FYS ENG04 - The Romance Novel and Its Tropes
FYS ENG05 - Language, Power and Prejudice
FYS ENG06 - Word on the Street: Language Today
FYS ENG07 - Real-Life Stories: Reading and Writing Memoir
FYS ENG08 - Poetics of Loss
FYS ENG09 - Choices Authors Make: The Craft of Literature
FYS ENG11 Language Matters
FYS ENG12 - The Global Fairy Tale
FYS ENG14 - Writing Through the SU Archives
FYS ENG16 - Young, Gifted and Black
FYS ENV01 - People and Climate
FYS ENV02 - Preserving Global Biodiversity and Justice
FYS FLM01 - Storytelling in Cinema, Writing and Life
FYS FLM02 - What Is a Campus?
FYS FRN01 - Between Reality and Fiction, Re-Thinking Documentary Films from the Francophone World
FYS FRN02 - Hidden Paris: Exploring the City’s Unseen Sides
FYS GEO01 - America’s National Parks
FYS HLTH01 Dogs that Heal: Exploring Canine Public Health Heroes
FYS HST02 - Love, Sex and Relationships Through History
FYS HST03 - World Wars in the 20th Century
FYS HST05 - Guerrillas, Generals and the CIA: Latin America and the Cold War
FYS HST06 - Empathy and Dehumanization in the Modern World
FYS HST07 - The Samurai Invasion of Korea
FYS HST09 The Way of the Warrior
FYS HST10 - Immigrant America: Past and Present
FYS HST11 - An Alcoholic History of America
FYS IDS05 - Adventure Begins with Curiosity: Interdisciplinary Leadership
FYS INF01 - Design Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
FYS MUS01 - How to Write One Song: Lyrics, Lives and Listening
FYS PHL01 - Imagine This Is Our World: Philosophy and the Graphic Novel
FYS PHL02 - The Beginning: Childhood and the Meaning of Life
FYS PHL03 - Animals and Us: Science, Society, Ethics
FYS PHL04 - Exploring the Mind: Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Asian Studies
FYS POL01 Social Media and Online Politics
FYS PSY01 - Fact or Fiction? Pseudoscience, Conspiracies and Misinformation
FYS SPN01 - Cultural Crossroads in Spain: Exploring Interculturality in Málaga
FYS SPN02 - Border Temptations
FYS SWK01 - Sexuality Social Justice
Communicating Through Writing
ENGL 103 - Composition and Research
HONR 111 - Freshmen Research Seminar
Quantitative Analysis
MATH 105 - Liberal Arts Mathematics
MATH 150 - Data, Probability and Algebra Connections
MATH 155 - Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis
MATH 160 - Introduction to Applied Calculus
MATH 198 - Calculus I For Biology and Medicine
MATH 201 - Calculus I
PHEC 251 - Introduction to Sports Analytics
Human Expression
ART 104 - Art Appreciation
ART 121 - Design Principles
ART 129 - Introduction to Digital Photography
ART 201 - Introduction to Art History
ART 215 - Ceramics I
ART 246 - Painting I
ART 261 - Sculpture I
ART 280 - New Media I
COMM 100 - Fundamentals of Communication
COMM 260 - Business and Professional Communication
DANC 167 - Ballet I
DANC 168 - Jazz Dance
DANC 267 - Ballet II
ELED 350 Literature for Children
ENGL 252 - Aspects of The Novel (Genre)
ENGL 253 - The Short Story (Genre)
ENGL 254 - Satire (Genre)
ENGL 257 - Introduction to Multiethnic U.S. Literatures
ENGL 258 - American Women Writers of Color
ENGL 351 - Creative Writing
ENGL 352 - Asian American Literature
ENGL 356 - British Literature I: Beginnings to 1660
ENGL 357 - British Literature II: 1800-Present
ENGL 380 - American Literature I: Beginnings to 1860
ENGL 382 - African-American Literature I
FILM 220 - Introduction to Film
FREN 101 - Elementary French I
FREN 102 - Elementary French II
FREN 201 - Intermediate French
FREN 202 - Intermediate and Applied French
MUMT 202 - Introduction to Music Technology
MUSC 114 - Connecting Through Music
MUSC 115 - History of the Broadway Musical
MUSC 201 - Introduction to Music Theory
MUSC 220 - Introduction to Music of the World
MUSC 221 - Blues: Roots of Rock and Roll
MUSC 230 - Music for Children
MUSC 305 - Music History I
MUSC 306 - Music History II
MUSC 320 - Music Video
PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 203 - Ethics
PHIL 322 - Existentialism
SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 201 - Spanish in the World
SPAN 202 - Spanish in Review
SPAN 310 - Spanish Communications
THEA 100 - Theatre Appreciation
THEA 150 - Acting I
THEA 240 - Text Analysis
THEA 411 - Feminism and Contemporary Theatre
Humanity in Context
ART 202 Introduction to Art History: Prehistory-1400
ART 203 Introduction to Art History: 1400-Present
ENGL 240 - Introduction to the Study of Language
ENGL 349 - Norse Literature in Translation
FREN 308 - Introduction to Francophone Studies Through Films
FREN 309 - Introduction to Francophone Studies Through Popular Culture
HIST 110 - America’s Wars in the 20th Century
HIST 201 - History of the United States to 1865
HIST 202 - History of the United States After 1865
HIST 225 - Holocaust: The Destruction of Jewish Life in Europe
HIST 250 - America in the 1970s
HIST 309 - Americans in the Gilded Age, 1865-1905
HIST 313 - History of Scotland as an Independent Kingdom
HIST 324 - German History Since 1815
HIST 340 - History of Africa to 1870
HIST 341 - History of Africa: 1870-Present
HIST 355 - The Middle East Since 1800
HIST 362 - Chinese Civilization
HIST 363 - Japanese Civilization
HIST 384 - Native American History
HONR 211 - Humanity in Con(TEXT)
PHIL 103 - Critical Thinking
PHIL 207 - Philosophy of Education
PHIL 212 - Introduction to Asian Philosophy
PHIL 311 - Modern European Philosophy
PHIL 323 - Buddhist Philosophy
SPAN 315 - Multiculturalism in Spain
SPAN 316 - Latin American Cultures in Context
Social Configurations
CADR 200 - Foundations of Conflict and Conflict Resolution
COMM 101 - Introduction to Human Communication Studies
COMM 102 - Introduction to Mass Media
COMM 205 - Interpersonal Communication
ECON 211 - Principles of Microeconomics
EDFN 210 - School in a Diverse Society
ENGL 423 - Educational Linguistics
ENGL 433 - Language and Culture
ENVR 210 - Principles of Environmental Economics
GEOG 333 - Sustainability and Global Development
GSST 214 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
HIST 101 - World History to 1500
HIST 102 - World History Since 1500
HIST 211 - The Environment in History
HIST 314 - African American History to 1865
HIST 315 - African American History from 1865
HONR 210 Social Configurations
POSC 101 - Introduction to Politics and Government
POSC 110 - American National Government
POSC 112 - Contemporary Issues
POSC 200 - Political Ideologies
POSC 205 - Women in Politics
POSC 210 - Introduction to International Relations
POSC 211 - Comparative Politics of Latin America
POSC 213 - War and Peace in the Middle East
POSC 220 - Politics and Conflicts of East Asia
PSYC 101 - General Psychology
SOCI 101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 220 - The Family
SOCI 225 - Social Conflict and Achieving Peace: A Sociological Perspective
SOCI 304 - Social Inequality
SOCI 318 - Sociology of Religion
SOCI 334 Sociology of Mental Health
SOCI 344 - Complex Organizations
SOCI 363 - Global Gender Equity
SOCI 390 - Sociology of the Environment
Social Issues
ECON 150 - Principles of Economics
ECON 212 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ENGL 430 - Principles of Linguistics
GEOG 100 - Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 101 - World Geography: Europe and Asia
GEOG 102 - World Geography: Africa and The Americas
GEOG 203 - Globalization and the World Economy
GEOG 308 - City Planning
IDIS 279 - Introduction to Essential Social Issues
POSC 103 - Introduction to American Public Policy
POSC 202 - State and Local Government In the United States
POSC 215 - U.S. Foreign Policy
POSC 301 - Political Parties and Pressure Groups
POSC 305 - Public Opinion and American Politics
POSC 360 - Environmental Policy
PSYC 250 - Psychology of Infancy and Childhood
SOCI 201 - Social Problems
SOCI 210 - Living in a Globalized World
SOCI 250 - Diaspora and Today’s Race Relations: A Global Socio-Historical Perspective
SOCI 313 - Criminology and Penology
SOCI 314 - Sociology of Gender
SOCI 319 - The Social Value of Humans in a Globalized World
SOCI 324 - Community Sociology
SOCI 325 - Sexuality, Alternatives and Society
SOCI 331 - Racial and Cultural Minorities
SOCI 339 - Immigration
SOCI 361 - Aging and Society
SOWK 200 - Introduction to Social Work
URPL 308 - City Planning
Hands-on Science
BIOL 101 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 150 - Environmental Science: Concepts and Methods
BIOL 201 - Introduction to Biology: Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 202 - Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Ecology
CHEM 101 - Physical Science
CHEM 107 - Chemistry: A Humanistic Perspective
CHEM 121 - General Chemistry I
GEOG 104 - Earth and Space Science
GEOG 150 - Environmental Science: Concepts and Methods
GEOG 201 - Weather and Climate
GEOL 103 - Introduction to Physical Geology
PHYS 101 - Physical Science
PHYS 121 - General Physics I
PHYS 221 - Physics I
Solutions Through Science
BIOL 101 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 106 - Forensics
BIOL 112 - Introduction to Animal Behavior
BIOL 201 - Introduction to Biology: Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 202 - Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Ecology
CHEM 101 - Physical Science
CHEM 107 - Chemistry: A Humanistic Perspective
CHEM 111 - Big Ideas in Chemistry
CHEM 121 - General Chemistry I
ENVR 102 - Introduction to Sustainability
GEOG 104 - Earth and Space Science
GEOG 105 - Introduction to Physical Geography
GEOG 107 - Weather, Hazards and Climate Change
GEOG 111 - Introduction to Oceans and Coasts
GEOG 125 - Human Impact on the Environment
GEOG 201 - Weather and Climate
GEOL 103 - Introduction to Physical Geology
PHYS 101 - Physical Science
PHYS 121 - General Physics I
PHYS 221 - Physics I
Personal Wellness
DANC 150 - Yoga
FINA 101 - Wealthy, Healthy and Happy: The Basics
HLSC 106 - Lifestyle Behaviors for Personal Health and Wellness
Experiential Learning
ACCT 497 - Accounting Capstone Internship
BIOL 399 - International Field Studies
BIOL 400 - Translating Science: Storytelling for Science Communication
BIOL 433 - Environmental Microbiology
CHEM 441 - Advanced Experimental Chemistry I
ECON 490 - Economics Internship
ELED 430 - Directed Teaching in Music in the Elementary School
ENGL 417 - Writer’s Craft
ENGL 454 - Writing Centers: Theory and Practice
ENGR 490 - Engineering Capstone Experience
FINA 449 - Practicum in Portfolio Management
FINA 490 - Finance Internship
GEOG 414 - Research and Writing
HIST 430 - Research Seminar Capstone
INFO 476 - Information Systems Development and Implementation
INFO 490 - Information Systems Internship
MGMT 454 - Negotiation
MKTG 490 - Marketing Internship
MKTG 497 - Professional Selling Internship
PHED 481 - Seminar in Physical Education
PHYS 490 - Physics and Astronomy Capstone Experience
SCED 426 - Internship in Middle or High School Education
SCED 428 - Internship in Middle or High School Education
SCED 431 - Internship in Music in the Secondary School
SCED 433 - Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice
SOWK 420 - Field Instruction I