Jan 27, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
FYS ENG03 - Disability and Superheroes 4 Hour(s) Credit Learn about how disability is constructed and reproduced. Use superhero narratives (comics and movies) as the primary text through which one analyzes the presence and production of disability. Learn important concepts about the nature of disability representation and then examine how these concepts appear in comics and movies featuring persons with disability. Think deeply and critically about the way disability is represented, and how representations of disability in superhero genres (whether as disabled heroes or villains) require us to more deeply think about our relationships to disability. In addition, gain an introduction to key practices and resources to help be a successful Salisbury student, including the Writing Center, the Center for Student Achievement and common academic practices (note-taking, drafting and getting feedback on major writing assignments, etc.). Three hours per week with enhancement Meets General Education: First Year Seminar (FYS) May Not Receive Credit for Both if a second FYS is taken. Taking a second FYS will replace the original FYS grade, regardless of topic.