Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Expenses

NOTE: Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other University publication, the University reserves the right to make changes in tuition, fees and other charges at any time such that changes are deemed necessary by the University and the University System of Maryland Board of Regents. Please refer to the Cashiers Office website for a complete listing of tuition, fees, room, board, and special course fees and other related expenses, as well as current prices. All fees including those incurred by students for miscellaneous items such as lost library books and fines, parking fines, lost athletic equipment, disciplinary fines and damage to University property are also defined as “mandatory fees.”

In the interest of the health and safety of our campus community, the University reserves the right to provide some or all instruction and related academic activities through alternative methods of delivery, including remote delivery.  It also reserves the right to change the method of delivery before or during an academic term in the event of a health or safety emergency or other circumstance when it determines that such change is necessary or in the best interests of the campus community.  Tuition and mandatory fees will not be reduced or refunded if the University changes the delivery method for any or all of an academic session.

Gull Cards (Identification Cards)

All students enrolling for the first time at the University must have a Gull Card (ID) made. Continuing students use the card they have as long as they are registered students-the card is reactivated each time students enroll for classes. The Gull Card is used by students to access their residence halls, meal plans, Blackwell Library and their declining balance account funds. Once a student places money in their declining balance account the Gull Card can be used to make purchases at the University Bookstore, all on-campus dining locations, Office of Publications, University Police, Copy Center, vending machines, laundry services and offcampus merchants who accept the Gull Card. A replacement fee of $25 is charged for lost/stolen or damaged/worn cards. Students may obtain their Gull Card by visiting Commons Room 036, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For further information please visit Gull Card website.

Residency Determination (In-State/Out-of-State Tuition)

Tuition residency determination is made upon admission and/or enrollment. The complete “Policy on Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition and Charge Differential Purposes” is located in Appendices .

Student Classification

For tuition and fee purposes, a full-time undergraduate student is a student taking 12 or more credit hours each semester. Any student (regardless of classification or designation) taking 12 or more credit hours a semester is required to pay the full-time tuition and fees listed. A part-time student is a student taking 11 or fewer credit hours per semester for undergraduate or graduate credit. Any student (regardless of classification or designation) taking 11 or fewer credit hours a semester is required to pay the part-time tuition and fees itemized.

Students taking courses for audit or pass/fail or courses without credit designation will receive assigned equivalency credit hours for tuition and fee purposes.

Room and Board

Those students who have made residence hall reservations must claim their room no later than 5 p.m. on check-in day. Students who cannot meet this schedule must call the Office of Housing and Residence Life to request alternative check-in information.

Explanation of Fees

Full/part-time mandatory fees consist of the following:


Funds from this fee are assigned to the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and are used in implementing a well-rounded athletics program at the University. Athletics fees offset expenses incurred in the purchase of consumable supplies for varsity sports, the transportation of athletics teams, payment for athletics officials and numerous other services.


Funds from this fee support major renovation and/or construction projects not funded by the State of Maryland.

Guerrieri Student Union

Funds from this fee support the Guerrieri Student Union programs and operations.


Funds from this fee are used to implement a well-rounded intramural program at the University.

New Student Fee

The New Student Fee supports services for registration for the first semester and costs associated with new student publications, resources and orientation.

Student Activities

Activity fund fees are used to help meet expenses in connection with various social functions, student publications, dramatic productions and the other duly authorized student activities which take place during the academic year.


Funds from this fee are used to implement various sustainability projects on campus.


Technology fee funds are used to enhance the technology infrastructure for the student body.

Additional Expenses

Books and Supplies

Books and classroom supplies may be purchased at the University Bookstore. Expenses will vary with the cost of books and other materials required for particular courses.

Special Courses

Certain courses require enrolled students to pay additional fees for special services and/or materials. All special course fees will be assessed and collected through normal student accounts receivable procedures. No fees should be paid directly to academic departments or individuals.

Payments and Adjustments

Advance Payments

Candidates seeking admission to the University must pay a $50 nonrefundable application fee when they submit the Admission Application. The application fee is not applied to any tuition or fees. After evaluation and review by the Admissions Office, the candidate is notified of status regarding admission. If accepted for admission, the student will receive (with the acceptance letter) a bill for an advance payment of $300, payable immediately, to assure the student placement in the appropriate class at time of entry. The $300 advance payment is nonrefundable but will be applied toward payment of the total tuition and fees which are due before the first day of classes. If the student fails to register, the $300 advance deposit is forfeited at the close of the late registration period as set forth in the official University calendar.

New Students (Freshmen and Transfer)

Students who are coming to SU for the first time and cancel their admission must additionally let the Housing Office know in writing. New students are not eligible for a refund of the Admission deposit, including cases where they cancel admission. Transfer students who remain enrolled at SU but decide to cancel their housing contract and move off campus will be charged an $800 breach-of-contract fee. Exempted eligible students that choose to live on campus and then choose to petition to remain at home after May 31 (or October 31 for the spring semester) are subject to an $800 breach-of-contract fee.

Returning/Current Students

Students desiring to cancel a contract for the upcoming academic year:

Should a student decide to cancel their contract for the upcoming year, the following timeline exists:

  1. Cancellation requests received by May 1 - the breach of contract fee will be waived.
  2. Cancellation requests received on or after May 2 - $800 breach of contract fee will be assessed. If the campus vacancy created within the residence halls by the cancellation is not contracted by August 20, the student will be assessed a rate equivalent to a semester room expense in addition to the breach of contract fee.

Students desiring to cancel a contract mid-year (for the spring semester):


  1. Students who have applied for December graduation.
  2. Student teachers or those involved in full-time internships for University credit, beyond a 20-mile radius of campus.
  3. Students studying abroad for University credit.
  4. Students transferring or withdrawing from the University.
  5. Students moving to University Park.

Petitioners, who meet one of the aforementioned reasons and requesting to be released from their housing contract, must complete a contract cancellation request in the Office of Housing and Residence Life.

  • Requests received by October 31 - the breach of contract fee will be waived.
  • Requests received on or after November 1 - the student will be assessed a breach-of-contract fee ($800).


Any resident student moving off-campus (excluding University Park) will automatically be assessed a breach-of-contract fee ($800) regardless of the housing cancellation date. They will also be subject to an amount equivalent to the amount of the remainder of their contract if the University is unable to fill their vacancy. Vacancies are filled in date order of cancellation.

Payments to the University

Student tuition and fees for pre-registered students are due and payable to the University prior to the beginning of each semester on or before the date shown on the bill. For students initially enrolling during open enrollment, payment for the term is due no later than the last day of drop/add. Similarly, pre-registered students who paid their initial bill but make changes during open enrollment that cause additional charges to their student account have until the end of drop/add to pay those additional charges. Students who do not observe the payment due date for any academic term will be charged periodic late fees. Students not attending should access their GullNet student account and drop all classes in which they are enrolled. Non-payment of and/or non-response to a bill does not constitute a withdrawal from the University.

Payment may be made, using ACH transfer or credit card, through the student’s GullNet account. Credit cards accepted for payment of the semester bill are MasterCard, Discover and Visa. A 2.5 percent convenience fee is assessed for any credit card payment for tuition and fees. There is no fee for ACH transfer. Checks and money orders made payable to Salisbury University may be used when paying by mail. The mailing address for payments is Salisbury University, P.O. Box 2195, Salisbury, MD 21802-2195. Cash, checks and money orders are also accepted at the Cashiers Office, Holloway Hall Room 219, Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Payment Plans

Salisbury University has partnered with CashNet to give students the option of spreading their semester payments over a longer period of time by enrolling in a payment plan. To do so, log onto GullNet > Main Menu > Bills/Payments/Pay Plans/Refund. All of the payment plans are interest-free, debt-free ways to spread tuition payments over a number of months.

There are two plans available for the fall semester and two plans available for the spring semester.

Account Holds

Students with past due balances (including delinquent payment plans) will not be permitted to register for future terms, receive transcripts or their diploma after graduation. Past due balances include tuition, fees, room, meals, special course fees and other miscellaneous items (e.g., lost library books and fines, parking fines, lost athletic equipment, judicial fines). If your student account is past due, a Cashiers Hold will be placed on your account. Accounts that are past due from the original semester due date will be processed for collection.

Forever GI Bill®, CH 33 and Vocational Rehabilitation, CH 31 recipients will not be penalized due to non-payment/late payment of tuition and fees from the VA.

Tax Relief Act of 1997

Two new post-secondary education tax credits have been included as a part of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997: the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit (effective January 1, 1998) and the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit (effective July 1, 1998). These laws may allow a tax credit for some higher education expenses. To ascertain whether or not a student qualifies for this benefit, it may be advisable for the student and/or parent to consult a tax professional; the University cannot provide students and/or parents with tax advice.

Returned Checks

Article 27, Section 142 of the Annotated Code of Maryland states that anyone who obtains money, etc., by bad check is subject to prosecution. All checks returned to Salisbury University by the bank as “unpaid” (this includes checks on which payment has been stopped) must be paid within seven days of the University’s notification to the student. If restitution has not been made within the allotted time, the maker of the check may be subject to prosecution. A returned check fee is charged by the University (in addition to the face value of each check) to cover the costs of handling returned checks.

Should it become necessary to remand a debt to the Central Collection Unit of the State of Maryland, a collection fee of 17 percent or greater will be imposed and added to the principal balance. The University reserves the right to deny services to any student who has an account in arrears. This may include, but not be limited to, denial of registration and transcript privileges.

Eligibility for Refunds

To be eligible for any type of refund, a withdrawing student must do the following:

  1. Access their GullNet account and drop all classes in which they are enrolled.
  2. Submit a completed withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar.
  3. Notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life (if a resident student) of room cancellation.
  4. Turn in the student ID card to the Identification Office.

No refund will be processed unless the student complies with the withdrawal procedures stated above.

Refunds are based on the date on which the withdrawal form is filed with the registrar. Failure to file the official notification will result in a forfeit of all right to refund. No withdrawals will be backdated. Students whose housing contracts and meal plans are terminated for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for refunds. Students dismissed by the University for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to any tuition or fee refunds.

The cost of repairs and/or replacement of any University property damaged by the student will be deducted from any refunds due the student. Damaged property will be inspected by the Physical Plant Office and a determination will be made of repair or replacement costs prior to any refund. Students also will be liable for common area damage assessed by the Office of Housing and Residence Life at the end of each semester.

Refund Policy

Refunds are made based on the following criteria, except for aid recipients who fall under the Return of Title IV Funds Policy guidelines which may be found in the Financial Aid Information section of this catalog (this policy information refers to the regular fall and spring academic terms). Please refer to the Cashiers Office website for pro-rated refund amounts and dates for all academic terms.

  1. Students who withdraw from the University before the end of the official drop/add period for each session receive a refund of all tuition, fees, room and board except the $300 admissions deposit for new students, a $800 breach of housing contract fee, the per meal rate for meals eaten prior to a board plan’s being dropped.
  2. Those who withdraw after the end of the official drop/add period must withdraw from all sessions (courses) within the semester in order to receive a pro-rated refund. Please refer to the Cashiers Office website for pro-rated amounts and dates.

Individuals who change their schedules from full-time to part-time status during the official drop/add period of the University will be entitled to credit based on the difference between the full-time tuition and fee charge and the part-time per credit hour tuition and fee charge.

The University refund policy is effective for students who withdraw from all courses and for those who drop courses by the end of the official drop/add period. It is not effective for students who withdraw from a portion of their scheduled courses during the schedule adjustment period. It also does not apply to the self-supporting terms (winter and summer). Questions regarding refunds should be directed to the Cashiers Office. Appeals for exceptions to this policy must be in writing to the Office of the Vice President of Administration and Finance, Holloway Hall Room 228, Salisbury University, P.O. Box 2195, Salisbury, MD 21802-2195.