Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration and Student Records

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar, located in Holloway Hall, upholds the University mission by protecting the integrity of the academic record; publishing course schedules online; maintaining curriculum; providing support and the tools necessary to the advising and registration processes; and certifying Veterans and their dependents for educational benefits. In accordance with federal, state and University policies and regulations, the Office of the Registrar assures the privacy and confidentiality of students’ academic records.


General Information

To receive academic credit for a course, a student must be officially registered for the course during the term in which the work is done. Normally, students are not allowed to enroll in any new coursework after the first week of classes. The University reserves the right to discontinue any under-enrolled courses or course sections.

Academic Advisors/Faculty Mentors

Both professional academic advisors through the Academic Advising Center and faculty mentors provide students with pertinent information about their majors and assist in planning their programs of study. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with their academic advisors early in the semester to discuss their programs and goals. Students must confer with their assigned academic advisors regarding course selection, requirements and other academic matters prior to registration each semester.

University System of Maryland Inter-Institutional Registration Program

The Inter-Institutional Registration Program at Salisbury University is designed to foster an interchange of students between Salisbury University (the home institution), University of Maryland Eastern Shore (the host institution) and the other University System of Maryland institutions. Students wishing to participate in this program must first seek approval from both institutions through an Inter-Institutional Registration form available from the Registrar’s Office. Enrollment is based on a space-available basis. Students are expected to have met the prerequisites and other criteria set for screened or restricted programs of study.

Interested students must have a combined semester course load enrollment at both institutions of at least 12 credits, and at least six of the credits must be taken at Salisbury University. SU students pay full-time tuition and fees to Salisbury University and may be assessed additional fees by the host institution. The grades and credits earned in applicable courses taken through inter-institutional registration will be considered as resident credit and, therefore, will be included in the calculation of semester and cumulative totals on SU records. Students must follow the course withdrawal deadlines of the host institution. Special permits, parking and other fees at the host institution will be billed by the host institution and are the responsibility of the student electing to participate in the program. For additional information, contact the SU Registrar’s Office.


Matriculated students are required to fill out a preregistration survey. Their answers inform a professional advisor who enrolls them into their first semester of classes.

For current students, Program Planning is held midsemester in the spring and fall. Students are responsible for establishing advisement appointments with their academic advisor. Once they have received approval from their advisor, students will register via self service on their GullNet account at assigned appointment times.

Non-matriculated students may register for fall and spring semester courses during the time periods indicated in the academic calendar.

Summer and winter term registrations for all students occur during the preregistration/program planning period and at designated times prior to the start of classes.

Drop/Add Period

During fall and spring semesters, students may adjust their course schedules during the drop/add period, which varies in length, depending on session and term. For specific dates, see the Academic Affairs Calendar. Courses that are officially dropped during this period do not appear on the student’s permanent academic record.

Ghost Policy (Deregistration from Full Classes)

During the drop/add period, instructors of courses that have reached maximum enrollment may drop from their rosters any student:

  • Misses two consecutive class sessions of a course that meets at least twice during the drop/add period and fails to notify the instructor of his/her desire to remain in the course.
  • Misses the first class session of a course that meets only once during the drop/add period and fails to notify the instructor of his/her desire to remain in the course.

During the drop/add period of the winter, summer I and summer II sessions, an instructor may drop from a course roster any student who misses the first class session of the term and fails to notify the instructor of his/her desire to remain in the course.

Deregistrations are performed to allow other students access to filled courses.

Instructors initiate this “Ghost Policy” by notifying the Registrar’s Office in writing of students who are dropped from a roster. This written notification must include the student’s name and SU identification number as well as the course name and number, its section number and the department in which the course is taught.

Late Registration

Students may register late during the drop/add period without penalty. Students who add classes to their schedule must pay any additional tuition and/or fee charges immediately. Students will be assessed a late payment fee for payments received after the drop/add period, which are not part of a previously established payment plan.

Roster Verification

Roster verification is separate and distinct from SU’s Ghost Policy. Verification of class rosters is completed after the end of drop/add and serves many purposes. These include reporting requirements, student advisement and retention.

Roster verification is required for compliance with federal and state reporting regulations. Its primary purpose is to ensure that all students are correctly registered for the courses in which they are attending and, ultimately, that all grade rosters will be correct.

Schedule Adjustment Period

After the drop/add period students may officially withdraw from any course during the schedule adjustment period and receive a grade of W. This period extends until the 60 percent date of the session in which the course is held. These dates in each session are publicized on the Academic Master Calendar and on the Registrar’s website. Students may not withdraw from individual courses after the schedule adjustment period.

Graduate Credit During Senior Year

Salisbury University undergraduates within nine semester hours of completing requirements for the baccalaureate degree, who have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 (3.25 in business), may register for graduate credit to be taken concurrently with the remaining courses in the baccalaureate program, providing they have obtained prior authorization from the appropriate graduate program director on the Application for Graduate Credit in Senior Year form (there is no fee for this form) and space available in the class. Students within six hours of the baccalaureate degree may enroll in up to six hours of graduate credit. Those within seven to nine hours of the bachelors may take up to three graduate credits. Graduate coursework taken under this arrangement cannot be applied to the undergraduate degree program and will be billed at the graduate credit rate in addition to the undergraduate costs.

Declaration/Change of Major

The University encourages undergraduates to seek guidance from professionals within their fields of interest by recommending that they declare a major as early in their programs as possible. Students are required to declare a major upon completion of 45 semester hours of coursework. Students may declare more than one major. Students wishing to declare or change their major should submit a completed Change of Major request through their GullNet account.

When changing an undergraduate major, a graduate program, a track/concentration within one, or adding a minor, the catalog year will automatically move forward to the current academic year. As such, the student will be required to complete all general education, major, minor, and university requirements as outlined in that year’s catalog. If the student prefers to follow the curriculum required in their previous year’s catalog, they can also make that change in GullNet if their desired program(s) were active in that previous year. 

Pass/Fail Credit Option

During their junior and senior years, undergraduates may take courses on a pass/fail basis, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used to satisfy General Education, major or minor requirements with the exception of non-traditional credit awards and fieldbased courses where pass/fail is the only grading option. In addition, courses used to satisfy the University’s 300/400 level requirement may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  2. Students may take as many as four courses under the pass/fail option but may elect only one pass/fail credit course per semester unless a course is offered only on a pass/fail basis.
  3. Students on academic probation may not elect to take any courses on a pass/fail basis if the courses are offered for a grade.

Students may request that an individual course be designated as pass/fail by submitting a properly completed Change Form for PS/F, AU, Credit Hours to the Registrar’ Office. Changes to or from pass/fail are permitted only during the preregistration, registration and drop/add periods. Forms may be found on the Registrar’s Office website.

Auditing Courses

Audited courses bear the same tuition and fees as for credit coursework graded in a traditional manner. Audited courses cannot be used to satisfy any graduation requirement. Students are assigned W grades for non-attendance. Individual courses can be designated as audit by submitting a properly completed Change Form for PS/F, AU, Credit Hours to the Registrar’s Office. Changes to or from audit are permitted only during the preregistration, registration and drop/add periods.

Repeating Courses

Unless otherwise indicated in the course description, undergraduates may not receive credit more than once for courses covering the same or similar content or topics. Multiple occurrences of the same course will be allowed for topics courses covering different material, independent study courses, performance courses, and other courses where the course descriptions and department policy allow.

Students repeating a course covering the same or similar content will receive credit for the last occurrence of the course only, provided the course is graded A, B, C, D, F or I. Repeated coursework is noted as such on the student record, remains in the student’s attempted hour calculations, and is removed from the earned hour, quality point and GPA calculations.

An exception to the repeat rule may be executed by the Academic Policies Committee as a result of an academic misconduct violation. Consult the Academic Misconduct Policy found on the Academic Affairs webpage.

Henson School Course Repeat Policy

Students may repeat courses offered by the Henson School of Science and Technology one time at SU without special permission.This policy applies to all undergraduate courses offered in the Henson School of Science and Technology. Details for the policy are found in Appendix F .

Perdue School Course Repeat Policy

Pre-professional courses in the Perdue School of Business may only be repeated one time. If a student fails to satisfactorily complete the course or does not reach the minimum gate GPA for admission, the student may not continue in the business program. Courses repeated to fulfill a Perdue School major or minor requirement must be repeated at Salisbury University. For example, students who repeat required courses to improve D or F grades must take those courses at Salisbury University

Credit Hours and Course Loads

Where undergraduate lecture courses are concerned, one credit is granted for approximately one class hour per week. Because of the nature of activity, laboratory, performance, studio and other types of courses, more in-class time is typically required. Students are expected to support each credit for which they enroll with a minimum three hours per week of combined classroom, laboratory, performance, studio and outside study activities, based upon their individual registrations. Thus, students enrolling in 15 credits should spend a minimum of 45 hours in coursework related activities each week.

Most programs at the University are designed for completion within a four-year time period, provided the student completes an average of 15 to 16 credits of coursework each regular semester. While 12 to 19 credits is considered full time for tuition purposes, 15 credits is considered by the University to be an average load. Students registering for more than 19 fall/spring semester, 8 summer terms and/ or 7 winter term credits must receive written approval of their advisor and the dean of the school housing their major. Students may obtain the appropriate form from the Office of the Registrar website.

Student Records

Change of Name/Student Number

Students wishing to change or correct their name and Social Security number should complete the online paperwork.

Change of Address

It is the students’ responsibility to keep the University apprised of changes to their permanent, billing and local addresses and telephones by updating their information as necessary through self service on their GullNet account.

Classification of Students

Undergraduates are classified according to the number of semester hours completed with grades of A, B, C, D or PS as follows:

Freshman 0-29 Junior 60-89
Sophomore 30-59 Senior 90 and above

Students also are designated as follows:

Matriculated Undergraduate Students

Matriculated or degree seeking students are full-time or part-time degree candidates and are assigned a faculty advisor.

Undergraduate Non-Degree Students

Undergraduate non-degree students (UND) are students usually pursuing one or two courses in a non-matriculated status. There are two types of UND students:

  1. Students who are pursuing one or two courses for personal or professional development. Upon completion of 30 semester hours, these students must apply for admission to the University as matriculated students.
  2. Restricted-status students, whose admissions have been revoked for inadequate academic performance, but who are permitted to continue to attend the University under the direction of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Concurrent Enrollment

High school juniors and seniors may register for no more than two courses per semester as a non-degree student while still attending high school. They must submit the required registration forms on the Registrar’s Office website, along with a residency form if seeking in-state tuition rates. A letter of permission from the local school board or school administrator including authorized signature must be submitted with the registration form. Registration is subject to course availability.

Full-Time/Part-Time Enrollment Status

Enrollment status (full- or part-time) is determined by the number of credits students have completed or are pursuing.

Undergraduates enrolled for 12 or more semester hours pay full-time tuition and fees, regardless of classification. Undergraduates enrolled for 11 or fewer semester hours pay tuition assessed on a per-credit basis and pay part-time fees.

During winter and summer terms, tuition and fees are not determined by enrollment status; they are determined by credit hours. Students may enroll for up to seven credits for winter term and up to eight credits for each summer term.

Undergraduate Grading System

The following grades are used to indicate undergraduates’ achievement in individual courses:

A - Excellent
Denotes superior achievement. The A grade is reserved for outstanding performance.

B - Very good
Denotes high achievement. It is a mark of distinction.

C - Satisfactory
Denotes adequate achievement.

D - Passing
Denotes marginal achievement. The D grade indicates minimal exposure to the principles and techniques presented.

F - Failure
Denotes inadequate achievement.

The following symbols are not accompanied by quality points and do not contribute to students’ grade point averages. They may, however, appear on students’ permanent records and are defined accordingly.

I - Incomplete
Noncompletion of a course due to unavoidable circumstances beyond the student’s control. The I automatically becomes an F if coursework is not completed prior to midsemester of the next full semester for which the student is enrolled, or at the end of one calendar year, whichever is earlier.

PS - Pass
A passing grade for credit-bearing courses taught or taken on a pass/fail or pass/no pass basis. The PS denotes successful completion of credit-bearing courses equivalent to a grade of A, B or C. These grades will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average.

NP - No Pass
A non-passing grade for credit-bearing courses taught or taken on a pass/no pass basis. 0.0 quality points are non-punitive.

S - Pass
Not for University credit-a passing grade in those courses which cannot be applied to undergraduate degree requirements.

U - Unsatisfactorily
Unsatisfactory progress in those courses which cannot be applied to undergraduate degree requirements.

AU - Audit
Approved attendance without credit.

W - Withdrawal
Official withdrawal from a course during the schedule adjustment period.

WP/WF - Withdrawal Passing/Withdrawal Failing
Official withdrawal from a course after the schedule adjustment period, denoting passing or failing status at the time of the withdrawal.

NR - Grade Not Reported by Instructor

IP - In Progress
Used for grading ongoing theses and research projects, internships, or independent studies which extend into a subsequent term. Unlike the I grade, the IP grade does not automatically become an F at the end of a given time interval.

X - Clemency Grade
Preceding a grade of D or F (XD, XF) denotes that academic clemency has been granted for the course, and that the course has been removed from attempted hours (AHRS), earned hours (EHRS), quality hours (QHRS) and the grade point average calculations.

NOTE: Students who need to meet eligibility criteria for athletics, financial aid, scholarships, etc. should be aware that courses with grades of W, WP, WF, I or IP will not be included in credits successfully completed.

Undergraduate Grade Point System

Only courses completed at Salisbury University or through certain approved cooperative programs, and assigned grades of A, B, C, D and F, are used in the grade point average (GPA) calculations.

Grade point averages are calculated in the following manner:

  1. Quality points are assigned to letter grades such that A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0. Quality points for individual courses are computed by multiplying the quality points assigned an individual letter grade by the credit hours received for the course.
  2. The current or semester GPA is calculated by dividing the quality points earned for all applicable courses (QPTS) for the semester by the credit hours received for those courses (QHRS) during the semester, for example:
Course Credit Hours Grade Quality Points
ENGL 103   4 B 12
GEOG 101    3 D 3
CHEM 121   4 A 16
MATH 155   3 C 6
ART 104   4 F 0
Totals: 18 QHRS     37 QPTS
37 QPTS/18 QHRS=2.06 Current GPA    
  1. The cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned (QPTS) for all semesters by the total applicable credit hours (QHRS).

Undergraduate Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

For graduate transfer information see the Graduate Student Information  section.

Students who have attended other regionally accredited institutions may be admitted to the University based upon the current transfer admission policy.

General Transfer Policies

  1. Transferred coursework is not included within the Salisbury University current or semester or cumulative GPA calculations. Likewise, Salisbury University coursework repeated at another institution will not impact the current or semester or cumulative GPA calculations. However, coursework grades from other institutions may be used along with coursework completed at Salisbury University when determining eligibility for participation in major and minor programs and other study options.
  2. Students must complete 30 of the last 37 hours of coursework at Salisbury University. However, students enrolled in approved cooperative programs or study abroad options may request to have additional coursework included in their final 37 hours.
  3. Coursework completed at other institutions is evaluated for transfer by the Registrar’s Office. A maximum of 90 credit hours from two- and four-year institutions, and 64 credit hours from two-year institutions, may be applied to the 120 credit hour minimum required for graduation. Transferred coursework may be used to satisfy General Education requirements at Salisbury University and, when approved, coursework requirements for major and minor programs and other study options.
  4. Official transcripts of all coursework completed at other institutions must be received by the Registrar’s Office prior to preregistration at mid-semester of the student’s first semester (fall or spring) at Salisbury University. The University reserves the right to refuse the transfer of coursework where official transcripts are not received in a timely manner.
  5. Questions related to the evaluation of transferred coursework should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. Appeals should be directed to the Office of the Registrar within one academic year of the student’s first attendance. Evaluations which are more than one year old are not subject to appeal.

Taking Courses at Another Institution

Currently admitted, degree-seeking students at Salisbury University may transfer coursework from other regionally accredited institutions (the Council for Higher Education Accreditation lists current accrediting organizations) based upon the following policy:

  1. Coursework must be pre-approved by the Registrar’s Office. Courses without prior articulation must be approved by the department chair for that discipline. Additionally, coursework applicable to the student’s major or minor may need to be approved by the department chair for that major or minor. Request to Study at Another Institution forms are available online. It is the student’s responsibility to review the academic requirements report to determine the applicability of a course to the student’s program.
  2. Coursework must be completed with grades of A, B, C or PS (where courses are graded on a pass/fail basis only). Grades are not calculated in the student’s Salisbury University GPA.
  3. Official transcripts of the coursework completed must be received from the other institution by the close of the student’s next semester (fall or spring) at Salisbury University.
  4. Students must complete 30 of the last 37 hours of coursework at Salisbury University. Exceptions to this policy must be pre-approved by the Academic Affairs Office.

Coursework completed by students enrolled in the InterInstitutional Registration Program of the University System of Maryland will be treated as credit earned at Salisbury University. Coursework will be applied toward graduation requirements, and grades included within the GPA calculations at the University.

Inter-Institutional Dual Enrollment and Cooperative Dual-Degree Programs

Credit earned while students are enrolled in the InterInstitutional Concurrent Enrollment Programs with University System of Maryland member institutions is treated as credit earned at Salisbury University. Coursework and grades earned as a part of this program are included within the University attempted hour, earned hour, quality point and grade point average calculations.  Students must follow the interinstitutional enrollment procedures.  

Withdrawal from the University

Students may withdraw from the University no later than close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the day before the last day of regularly scheduled classes (see Academic Calendar for exact dates). Students who withdraw from the University must complete a withdrawal request in their GullNet account. Withdrawals requested after Drop/Add and before the end of the Schedule Adjustment Period will receive a grade of W. After the Schedule Adjustment Period, approved withdrawals will receive grades of WF or WP to denote the grade status at the time of withdrawal. Non-attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University and does not relieve students of their financial obligations. Students who do not officially withdraw from the University forfeit their right to any tuition refund. Matriculated students who have withdrawn from the University and wish to be reinstated may submit an Application for Readmission to the Registrar’s Office.


Matriculated undergraduates who do not enroll at the University during a regular fall or spring semester must apply for readmission through the Registrar’s Office. Students may only apply for readmission once they have met the minimum criteria for readmission. Students must declare a major at the time of readmission. Forms for readmission are available from the Registrar’s Office.

Students who have attended other institutions since leaving Salisbury University must arrange to have official transcripts sent from those institutions directly to the Registrar’s Office.  They must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher at those institutions and have left the last institution of attendance in good standing.

The deadline for applications for fall semester is July 1; for the spring semester, December 1. However, the University reserves the right to close readmission when the enrollment limit has been met.


The Registrar’s Office issues transcripts only upon the (electronic) written request of the student. All financial obligations to the University must be met before transcripts are issued. Requests can be made online.

Non-Traditional Credit Policies

Salisbury University recognizes several methods in which undergraduates can demonstrate academic competence in specific areas outside the traditional classroom setting. Therefore, the University awards college level credit to students proving competence in academic areas through certain examinations and educational programs.

Undergraduates may apply up to 60 semester hours of credit by examination coursework to the completion of a baccalaureate degree. Credit by examination coursework can be used to satisfy general education, major and minor requirements with the appropriate approval. Students who have completed or are enrolled in advanced courses may not receive credit by examination coursework for lower-level courses in the same subjects.

Any changes associated with credit by examination can be found on the SU website.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Undergraduates who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) courses in high school and have taken the corresponding College Board examination may be entitled to advanced standing credit at Salisbury University. Find minimum score and coursework equivalency information on SU’s Credit by Examination page. Official examination results should be submitted directly from the College Board to the Admissions Office.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Undergraduates who have attained competence in college-level subjects through extensive reading or other experiences may gain credit through one or more of the College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) general or subject examinations. Minimum score and coursework equivalency information, information regarding charges and applicable course credit costs are available online. Official examination results should be submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office.

Departmental Challenge Examinations

Undergraduates who wish to fulfill course requirements and earn credit for a course by challenge examination in lieu of classwork may do so with the approval of the appropriate department chair. A student who has not enrolled at Salisbury University is not eligible to take a challenge examination. Contact the academic department for information regarding course challenge exams.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations

Undergraduates who have completed higher level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses in high school and have taken the corresponding IB examination may be entitled to advanced standing credit at Salisbury University. Contact the Registrar’s Office for minimum score and coursework equivalency information. Official examination results should be submitted directly to the Registrar’s Office. A maximum of 30 semester hours of advanced standing coursework will be awarded for IB related courses.

Military Credit

Credit for military educational experiences will be evaluated upon receipt of a student’s official Joint Services Transcript (JST). Only official military documents or transcripts can be used for the awarding of credit. The award of academic credit for military training, coursework or education is subject to the applicability of those credits to a student’s program of study. Credits may need review by appropriate academic departments. Credit will not be awarded for correspondence courses.

Students can request their official military transcripts for service in the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, Marine Corps online.

Students should have their military transcripts released to Salisbury University electronically.

The awarding of academic credit for a student’s military training, coursework or education will be based upon the following nationally accepted assessment methods:

  • American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service
  • American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide
  • College level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) Program
  • Joint Services Transcripts (JST)
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Board
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams

Salisbury University also offers Departmental Exams, Departmental Assessments and Course Challenge for credit.

Limits on transfer credit for military training, coursework or education is governed by the University’s Transfer Credit Policies.

Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies Testing Policy

See the Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies  Department information section for details.