Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

Updates to the Faculty Handbook

Updates to the Faculty Handbook

Last updated February 2024

Chapter 1: General Administration

  • Added content re: Calendar, Public Relations, Honorary Degrees, and Academic Policy Development from Chapter 12
  • Added section on regional program sites.
  • Need to add link to org chart.
  • This section is typically redrafted when we revise our Mission and Values Statements as required every five years in association with new MHEC State Plan for Post-Secondary Education.

Chapter 2: Faculty Appointment, Rank and Tenure

  • Moved Tenure section before Promotion.
  • Library permanent status and promotion section has been updated (needs updated Appendices).
  • Need to build out a section for FT-NTT faculty beyond referencing BOR policy.
  • Added approved language regarding engaged pedagogy to promotion section.
  • Added approved language regarding service and scholarship (these activities may include different components of administrative activities).
  • Added updated section regarding clincal faculty and criteria for promotion in CHHS.
  • FS had approved several sectiont to Chapter 4 (e.g., Compensation, Workload, Professional Commitments), etc.  Consulting Faculty moved to Chapter 10.
  • Need to build out appendices B, M, E,  O, P, Q, R in Acalog
  • Need to insert Figure 3 or find link to it

Chapter 3: Faculty Leave

  • ​Added section on Fulbright and other Competitive leave awards - needs FS for approval.
  • Build out Appendix G in Acalog.

Chapter 4: Faculty Compensation, Workload, Benefits, Awards and Personnel and Other Policies

  • Note change in language regarding special session compensation - have not followed model in previous Faculty Handbook for several semesters.
  • Added content on Email and Computer Acceptable Use, Advertising, Public Meetings in SU Facilities, Public Records Inspection, Emergency Conditions, Inclement Weather and Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver from Chapter 12.
  • Note change in language regarding workload which follows major USM policy change in June, 2019.
  • Added reference to Inclusive Language Style Guide.
  • Lots of content moved here from Chapter 2 with approval of Faculty Senate.
  • Need to build out Appendix L in Acalog.

Chapter 5: Travel Policies and Regulations

  • Added section on pre-payment of interview and relocation expenses.
  • Need to add content related to international travel.

Chapter 6: Teaching and Learning at Salisbury University

  • Added three FS Recommendations (10/26/21) regarding finals week, minor academic misconduct, and scheduling.
  • May be good to note the occassional need for student athletes to miss class and how faculty can communicate with and support them. 
  • Added note to check with chairs/CHHS school director regarding any releases that may be needed for course activities.
  • Previous Chapters 6 and 10 combined into new Chapter 6: Teaching and Learning at SU
    • Changes made to the material from the previous chapter 10:
    • Sections were separated out and reordered to reflect the timeline of the semester.
    • Courses and Programs section (now Proposing or Revising Curriculum section) updated to include current procedures (curiculog and approval process).
    • Inclement Weather section added.
    • University Course-Related Policies section added.
    • Course Material Policy: Added descriptions on OER and Inclusive Access.
    • Roster Verification section added.
    • Notice of Academic Progress and Grades: Combines grade information from the previous syllabus and final exam sections.
    • Special Student Needs section was renamed Inclusivity in the Classroom, and the wording was updated to reflect current appropriate terminology.
    • Final Exam policy updated to reflect policy listed on the registrar’s website.
    • New section on student emergency absence policy.
  • Changes in previous Chapter 6:
    • The following sections were moved to Chapter 7: Research. 
      • Scholarly Work Misconduct BOR III-1.10
      • Conflict of Interest in Research and Development BOR III-1.11
      • Standards for the Conduct of Scientific Research SU
    • The Student Academic Misconduct Policy section was abbreviated to direct the reader to the current SU Student Academic Misconduct policy and procedure. 

Chapter 7: Research and Sponsored Projects

  • Added Sponsored Projects to the chapter title.
  • Need to build out Appendix J in Acalog.
  • The following sections were moved from Chapter 6: to Research. 
    • Scholarly Work Misconduct BOR III-1.10
    • Conflict of Interest in Research and Development BOR III-1.11
    • Standards for the Conduct of Scientific Research SU

Chapter 8: Graduate Education

Chapter 9: Student Advising and Registration

Chapter 10: Adjunct and Consulting Faculty       

  • New Chapter with content pulled from Chapter 2 
  • Still working on this with Adjunct Faculty Caucus - need to reference relevant sections of Chapter 4                                                        

Chapter 11: Curriculum and Curriculum Processes

  • Proposed changes to the digital fluency section; this section really needs work.
  • Corrected description of minor requirements which as incorrectly described in Faculty Handbook

Chapter 12: Academic Affairs

As approved by the FS on 10/1/19, this chapter was removed and sections move to other chapters as follows:

  • Calendar to Chapter 1
  • E-mail Services Policy SU to Chapter 4
  • Acceptabel Use of Computing and Electronic Resources to Chapter 4
  • Public Relations to Chapter 1
  • Honorary Degrees to Chapter 1
  • Advertising to Chapter 4
  • Public Meetings in SU Facilities to Chapter 4
  • Public Records Inspection to Chapter 4
  • Emergency Conditions to Chapter 4
  • Inclement Weather to Chapter 4
  • Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver to Chapter 4
  • Academic Policy Development to Chapter 1