Oct 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Scholastic Standards and Support Services


Academic Integrity

The Academic Misconduct Policy can be found on the Academic Affairs Office website. Questions regarding academic misconduct violations should be addressed with the associate vice president of academic affairs.

Integrity is a principle that permeates all the activities of the University and guides the behavior of faculty, students and staff. The spirit of academic integrity denotes adherence to the precept that “one’s work is one’s own.” The process by which integrity is upheld assumes clear communication of University expectations, standards and policies and clear communication of students’ and faculty’s rights and responsibilities. This policy applies to both undergraduate and graduate students.

This policy is intended to foster student academic integrity and to address cases of student academic misconduct which may include, but are not limited to, the following:


Communicating untruths or withholding information as part of an investigation, or in order to gain an academic advantage.


The act of wrongfully using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids or the ideas or work of another in order to gain an advantage. Acts of cheating include but are not limited to:

  • giving unauthorized aid to another student or receiving unauthorized aid from another person on tests, quizzes, assignments or projects;
  • using or consulting unauthorized materials or using unauthorized equipment or devices on tests, quizzes, assignments or projects;
  • submitting as one’s own work material written by someone else, whether purchased or not;
  • altering or falsifying any information on tests, quizzes, assignments or projects;
  • working on any project, test, quiz or assignment outside of the time constraints imposed;
  • submitting an assignment in a somewhat altered form or using any material portion of a paper or project to fulfill the requirements of more than one course unless the student has received prior faculty permission to do so;
  • failing to adhere to an instructor’s specific directions with respect to the terms of academic integrity or academic honesty;
  • using fraudulent methods in laboratory, studio, field, computer work or professional placement;
  • other acts generally recognized as dishonorable or dishonest which bear upon academic endeavors.

Misappropriation of Course-Based Intellectual Property

Lectures delivered by faculty in class, as well as course materials faculty create and distribute, are protected by federal copyright law as their original work.

Misappropriation of intellectual property is the act of intentionally taking the intellectual property of faculty or others, and/or the sale or distribution of class notes, tests, assignments or class projects for profit, either directly or through a third party, without the express consent or permission of the faculty member or lecturer, or without documentation to demonstrate the need for such accommodations. Such property includes, but is not limited to, class notes, tests, assignments, class projects or other academically related work.

All academic work undertaken by a student must be completed independently unless instructed otherwise by a faculty member or other responsible party.


Students are responsible for learning proper scholarly procedures which require that all quoted material be identified by quotation marks or indentation on the page, and the source of information and ideas, if from another, must be identified and be attributed to that source. Acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to:

  • intentionally or unintentionally deceiving or disregarding proper scholarly procedures;
  • participating in illicit collaboration with other individuals in the completion of course assignments;
  • presenting information, thoughts or ideas from another source as if they are your own, or without giving appropriate attribution;
  • other acts generally recognized as plagiarism.

Academic Standing (Undergraduate Students)

The following terminology is used in defining the academic standing policy.

Matriculated Students - Students admitted to the University, attending full- or part-time, pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Matriculated students are either in good academic standing or on academic probation.

Good Academic Standing - Students whose SU cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0. Students who are not in good academic standing are either on academic probation or on restricted status.

Academic Probation - Students who are not in good academic standing, but who are still admitted and pursuing degrees. Such students have academic (and other) limitations placed upon them.

Restricted Status - Previously admitted students whose admissions have been revoked because of poor academic performance and who are thereby neither admitted nor pursuing a degree. These students are allowed to register as non-admitted students, but in most cases only part-time.

Dismissed Students - Previously enrolled students who are no longer allowed to attend the University.

Good Academic Standing

Students are admitted to Salisbury University in good academic standing. Students who have received SU grades and whose SU cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0 remain in good academic standing. GPAs will be computed whenever grades are awarded or changed. Consequently a student’s academic standing can change at any time.

Unsatisfactory Academic Achievement

Admitted students whose Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages are less than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Students on probation who fail to return to good standing or who fail to meet the criterion which allows them to remain on probation will have their academic standing changed to restricted status. Restricted status students may be academically dismissed for further inadequate academic performance.

Academic Probation

Students on academic probation may register for no more than five courses for a total of 16 credit hours per semester and may not elect to take any courses on a pass/fail basis if the courses are offered for a grade.

Admitted students who are in good academic standing at the beginning of a semester (or term or session) but who are no longer in good academic standing at the conclusion of that semester (respectively term or session), will be allowed to register as students on academic probation. At the conclusion of any semesters (or terms or sessions) while on academic probation:

  • Students will be returned to good academic standing if their Salisbury University cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0.
  • Students who fail to attain good academic standing will be allowed to continue to register as students on academic probation provided they satisfy both of the following conditions: 1) they earn semester (or term or session) GPAs of at least 2.0, and 2) their cumulative GPAs are greater than or equal to the appropriate minimums in the chart that follows.
  • Students who fail to attain good academic standing will be placed on restricted status if either 1) they earn semester (or term or session) GPA less than 2.0, or 2) their cumulative GPAs are less than the appropriate minimums in the chart below.
Credits Earned Toward a Degree
(Including transfer credit)
Minimum SU Cumulative GPA
Fewer than 30 1.400
30-35 1.500
36-41 1.600
42-47 1.700
48-53 1.800
54-59 1.900
60 or more 2.000

Note: Students with 60 or more earned credit hours are expected to remain in good standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better.

Academic Restriction

Restricted status students may enroll as a non-degree student in no more than two courses for a total of eight credit hours per semester. There are additional University policies limiting the activities in which students in restricted status may engage. In special circumstances the Office of Academic Affairs may allow restricted status students to exceed these limitations, but in no case will restricted status students exceed the limitations placed upon students on academic probation. Whenever students are placed in restricted status, they will have three registrations (for semesters, terms or sessions) to attain cumulative GPAs of at least 2.0. Students in restricted status who fail to attain Salisbury University cumulative GPAs of at least 2.0 within the three-registration time frame will be academically dismissed. Restricted status students who attain Salisbury University cumulative GPAs of at least 2.0 within the three-registration time frame may apply for readmission online through the Registrar’s Office. Students placed on restricted status are not eligible for financial aid or on-campus housing, have their preregistered schedules canceled and must register as restricted status students.

Readmissions Options

The following are readmission options for students who left the University on restricted status:

  1. A student who chooses not to attend any post-secondary institution but can demonstrate evidence of good academic promise may apply to SU for readmission on probation after a period of two years.
  2. A student who attends another post-secondary institution as a full-time student and meets the following criteria may apply for readmission on probation:
    • must have earned grades that, when averaged with the grades earned at SU, equals a combined 2.0 cumulative GPA (Note: Credits will transfer, but the grades will not.)
    • the cumulative grade point average at each transfer institution must be at least 2.0 to be considered for this option
  3. The student who attends another post-secondary institution and either earns less than a 2.0 or is dismissed or placed on academic probation will be denied readmission to SU.

Academic Dismissal

Academically dismissed students may no longer register for classes at Salisbury University. However, academically dismissed students who have not attended Salisbury University for five years or more and who can provide evidence of good academic promise may apply for readmission as students on academic probation or for classification as restricted status students. Academic dismissal may be appealed to the Office of Academic Affairs. Academically dismissed students may also qualify for academic clemency after a five-year absence from the University.

Dean’s List

Compiled and issued each semester by the school deans’ offices, the Dean’s List is composed of matriculated undergraduate students who have at least 12 semester hours with grades of A, B or C with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester. Students so honored receive a certificate and have their names entered on the Dean’s List.

Academic Clemency Policy

For a variety of reasons, some students may have academic records that do not accurately reflect their academic abilities. To encourage students who have left the University with poor academic records to subsequently return and succeed, the University is prepared to extend academic clemency to students returning to SU.

Students who have not attended the University for at least five years are eligible to apply for academic clemency. Students are only eligible for academic clemency one time during their academic careers, and they must apply during their initial semesters, terms, or sessions as returning students.

Students applying for academic clemency must complete an Academic Clemency Form on which they request to have up to 16 credit hours of D and F work removed from their GPAs by changing these grades to XD and XF, respectively. When academic clemency is granted for D grades, the previously earned credits will be lost and may no longer be applied to any graduation requirements. Students who receive academic clemency are not precluded from graduating with honors.

Class Attendance

The faculty regards the classroom as the center of University life and students are expected to attend all classes. There are no officially excused absences. In the case of an absence, the student is responsible for all material presented and assigned. Each instructor provides students with a written attendance policy at the first class meeting.

Absence Notification

Absence notifications are a courtesy offered to students who are unable to communicate with their instructor(s). It is not an official excuse from classes or work missed. Instructor(s) establish their own attendance policies and expectations, and they are under no obligation to accept a notice from the Office of Student Affairs as an official excuse. Moreover, notifications cannot be backdated.

Students are encouraged to communicate with their instructor(s) directly concerning all absences from class. However, in the case of an uncommon circumstance that will keep a student from attending class (generally a sudden or prolonged illness, or the death of an immediate family member) and they are unable to make contact with their instructor, students may request an Absence Notification from the Office of Student Affairs. In these circumstances, students are required to provide their name, student identification number, the first date of absence, the circumstances surrounding the absence and the expected date of return. The Office of Student Affairs will contact the student’s instructor(s) and share limited information.

Waivers of Academic Policies and Procedures

Under unusual circumstances students may wish to seek waivers of academic policies and procedures. In such cases students should consult with their faculty advisors for detailed information about steps for seeking waivers.

Support Services

Academic Advising

Academic advising is a process which helps students identify their career and life goals and assists in the development of an educational plan that helps students meet these goals. Effective advising occurs when there exists a partnership between the advisor and the advisee; each fulfilling the responsibilities of their role. Students are responsible for seeking out their advisors for assistance in addressing academic issues.

Matriculated students are responsible for their own academic programs and for meeting all University and departmental requirements. To plan coursework effectively, students should regularly review their academic requirements report and transcript available through GullNet, meet regularly with their advisor and familiarize themselves with the academic regulations and programs described in this catalog and other University publications.

Academic advisors in the Academic Advising Center are assigned to each full-time first time (or “freshman”) college student. The academic advisor is responsible for assisting the student with understanding degree requirements, planning coursework and developing their understanding of academia at the university level. At the completion of their freshman year, students are assigned a faculty mentor to advise them throughout the remainder of their undergraduate career. Advising services coordinators (or ASCs) are responsible for providing individual schools/college within Salisbury University with advising support. Students may be referred by their academic advisor or dean’s office to the ASC for their school/college for help with specific issues.

Students must confer with their assigned academic advisors regarding course selection, requirements and other academic matters prior to registration each semester.

Students registered as undergraduate non-degree students are not assigned an advisor.

Restricted-status students attend under the guidance of the director of the Academic Advising Center.

Career Services

Career Services at Salisbury helps prepare students for a lifetime of success after graduation. Whether your destination is a career with a Fortune 500 corporation, a non-profit, a start-up, graduate school or volunteerism, Career Services is here to help students prepare for the transition. From state-of-the-art career assessments to resume, LinkedIn and cover letter development, to mock interviews and graduate school applications, Career Services is the resource for exploring life after Salisbury. Their services include:

  • Three-five job fairs per year
  • Career assessments
  • Choosing a major or minor
  • Job and internships strategies
  • On-campus interviews with top employers
  • Custom workshops for classes, student clubs/organizations, sports teams and resident assistant programming
  • One-on-one career coaching sessions

Career Services located in the Guerrieri Student Union, Suite 133 (Dogwood Avenue Parking Lot entrance - next to Cool Beans/at the opposite end of the corridor from Chik-fil-A).

Center for Student Achievement

The Center for Student Achievement, located in the Guerrieri Academic Commons, provides students with a space to study and opportunities for academic enrichment. The center focuses on addressing key components that have traditionally challenged students in higher education, such as study skills and time management.

The center offers an opportunity to develop skills that will enhance students’ academic potential while at the University. Areas of focus include test taking, note taking, time management, study skills and organizational tools. Students are also welcome to meet with the staff on a one-to-one basis, allowing students the individualized attention they may seek in order to achieve success. Tutoring is available for 40 different courses. Supplemental instruction (SI) is an academic support program that targets historically difficult courses. SI leaders support over 70 sections of SI each semester, providing peer facilitated study sessions that integrate “how to learn” with “what to learn.” These collaborative learning strategies create an active learning environment and facilitate higher grades for those students who participate. At the center, students have access to study space, computers, Praxis preparatory exams, tutors and other academic success programs.

In addition, the center also highlights students who have exemplified academic success in the classroom and demonstrate the ideal scholar at the University. Faculty and staff are asked to nominate candidates for the “Scholar Holler” and the students are featured on social media and the campus website. The center’s website features upcoming events, academic deadlines and new features for the center. Students who are deemed high achievers in math, accounting, economics, history, philosophy and the sciences are encouraged to apply for SI leader and tutor positions. Students with these abilities should be referred to Dr. Heather Holmes.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center offers counseling, consultation and outreach programs that promote personal growth, psychological health and academic success. Counselors provide help for students who may experience issues such as adjustment to college life, low self esteem, eating disorders, loss/separation, sexual identity concerns, anxiety, depression and relationship concerns. Group counseling, individual counseling and crisis intervention are available. To supplement personal counseling sessions and group work, the center also has resource material on a variety of topics, as well as an extensive website.

Staff of the Counseling Center have degrees in counseling, psychology and social work, and have years of experience working with college students. Services are confidential. All services are free of charge.

The Counseling Center is located in the Guerrieri Student Union Room 263. Hours of operation are 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. All appointments may be made in person or by calling 410 543-6070. For after-hours emergencies, the Counseling Center may be reached through the University Police at 410 543-6222.

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center, located in Guerrieri Student Union Room 229, provides guidance, access to resources and accommodations for students with disabilities. Such disabilities could include medical, psychiatric, learning disabilities, mobility, visual and hearing impairments. After a student has self-identified to the center, by contacting the office directly, they may begin the process of registering with the Disability Resource Center.

Registering for Accommodations

In order to register with the Disability Resource Center, students should complete the following steps:

  1. Submit adequate documentation of their disability for evaluation.
  2. Contact the DRC to schedule an initial intake appointment, to discuss their request for accommodations/services, strengths, challenges, and the likely impact on their educational experiences.

While students may request accommodations at any time during their enrollment at the University, in order to efficiently meet the needs of our students, it is advisable that students request accommodations a minimum of four weeks prior to the beginning of the academic session for which accommodations are being requested.

For more information, contact the Disability Resource Center at 410-543- 6087, TTY: 410-543-6088 or disabilitysupport@salisbury.edu.

General Studies

General Studies courses provide assistance to students in the areas of career planning, orientation and leadership. The offerings are listed in the “Courses ” section.

Graduate Record Examinations and Graduate Management Admissions Tests

For the convenience of seniors who wish to qualify for admission to graduate school, the Registrar’s Office disseminates information related to registration and testing for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

International Student and Scholar Services

The Office of International Student and Scholar Services was created to address the needs of an expanding population of international students and scholars on campus. The services are coordinated by the international student advisor and are located in the Center for International Education. The international student advisor provides guidance through the admissions process and grants formal admission to the University.

The international student advisor is the United States Department of Homeland Security-designated school official and provides assistance to students in the completion of the various documents required to gain and maintain official approved status with DHS and DOS. The advisor also assists international students with cultural adjustment as well as personal and academic concerns through individual counseling and/or referral. Orientation to campus and the greater Salisbury area, health and insurance information, academic and personal counseling, as well as providing cultural programs to integrate international and American students are all a part of introducing international students and scholars to their new way of life.


The Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons is the main SU library facility and provides the largest study space on campus, including hundreds of computers, and 15 group study rooms (13 of them reservable). Its resources include print and electronic books and journals, nearly 200 databases, DVDs, and, at the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture on the fourth floor, unique materials such as original manuscripts and artifacts relating to the region, the nation, and the world. Students will find reserves, including some textbooks, available at the Library Service Desk, where they also can borrow technology such as iPads and laptops, print color copies, and get help from librarians in finding and using resources for research papers. The Maker Lab offers 3D printing and scanning. A library facility in Conway Hall 226, the Dr. Ernie Bond Curriculum Resource Center, provides a large collection of juvenile literature, puppets, and curriculum materials as well as study space.

Multicultural Student Services

The primary function of Multicultural Student Services is to assist SU’s multicultural student population with environmental adjustment tasks. Specifically, this is accomplished by maintaining open lines of communication with faculty and staff, and systematically assessing the needs and campus experiences of the student population.

Services and programs provided reflect Salisbury University’s students’ interests and concerns, and serve to enhance the intellectual and multi-cultural experiences of all students.

Activities sponsored represent a part of an institutional commitment to create and foster an environment that values diversity while encouraging an appreciation and respect for differences.

Comprehensive Academic Success Program

Under the auspices of Multicultural Student Services, the Comprehensive Academic Success Program (CASP) offers students academic success by participation in a variety of programs. Multiple academic, social and cultural approaches to student achievement expose students to different avenues to learning and life-long success. CASP is the umbrella for student achievement, faculty and peer mentoring, early warning, African-American visiting scholars, student scholarship and Powerful Connections.

Powerful Connections

Powerful Connections is an intercultural orientation program for students of diverse backgrounds. The program provides opportunities for students to connect with upperclass students of diverse backgrounds through peer mentoring. Peer mentors, as well as Multicultural Student Services and its programs, help new students acclimate to the campus community. Powerful Connections is a vital component for success for new students at Salisbury University.

African-American Visiting Scholars Program

This program is an effort on the part of the University to bring to campus African-American scholars from an array of disciplines, exposing the faculty, staff and students to scholars who have made exceptional contributions to academe.

Spirituality Room

The Multicultural/Spirituality Room is available for all faiths as a quiet place for prayer and reflection and is dedicated to nurturing personal and spiritual growth.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services provides services to current undergraduate and graduate students.  Primary care services include but are not limited to allergy injections, chronic disease management, GYN and well woman exams, acute and minor illness, immunizations, physicals and health screenings, prescription services, laboratory services, psychological medical treatment and referral, STD and pregnancy prevention, self-care center with free over-the-counter medications and free condoms, and peer education and outreach.

Student Health Services is staffed by Nurse Practitioners, Physicians and a Registered Nurse. All members of the staff have years of experience working with college students. All visits to student health are confidential. There is a fee of $20.00 for most visits to the health center. 

Student Health Services is located in Holloway Hall, room 180. Hours of operation are 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Appointments may be scheduled online through the secure student health web portal or by  calling 410 543-6262. For after-hours emergencies, Student Health Services may be reached through the University Police at 410 543-6222.


The Center for Student Achievement, located in the Guerrieri Academic Commons, offers tutoring in a variety of subject areas. Tutoring for certain courses is based on demand and resources. Advanced students work with individuals and small groups to increase students’ understanding of course material. Similarly, the Mathematics and Computer Science Tutoring Program, located in the Guerrieri Academic Commons, provides its own tutoring center for students. Tutoring is also available through other departments and opportunities are listed on the CSA’s website.

Writing Center

The University Writing Center, located in the Guerrieri Academic Commons, is a place where writers can meet to talk about their work with trained consultants. Services are free of charge to any member of the SU community.

The center’s mission is to provide opportunities for writers to seek thoughtful feedback about their work; to increase the confidence, versatility and competence of all writers, in all disciplines; to help writers reconsider and refine their ideas so they can revise their writing in meaningful ways; and to support classroom writing instruction by partnering with SU faculty members

Appointments are encouraged and can be made by phone, email or in person. Walk-ins are also welcome in the Center.