Advisement for the major is available from the Economics Department
Economics, B.A. Traditional Track Curriculum Guide (Suggested 4-Year Plan of Study)
Economics is the study of the factors determining our material living standards. It involves analysis of human values and behavior, the operations of public and private institutions, the limitations of technology and natural resources, and the legal-political framework within which all are required to operate.
The traditional track within the economics major combines a solid foundation in contemporary economic theory with the opportunity to analyze a wide range of issues important to the material well-being of society. The emphasis on applying carefully reasoned analysis to questions of personal choice and public policy makes this program a valuable preparation for careers in education, law, research or administration, as well as employment in business, government or international agencies.
This checklist is an unofficial tool for planning. Matriculated students and advisors should consult the Academic Requirements Report in GullNet before and after registering for classes each semester to track academic progress.