Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

Chapter 9: Student Advising and Registration

Academic Advising Academic Clemency
Undergraduate Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration Student Waivers
Eligibility to Register Classification of Undergraduate Students
Summer/Winter Sessions Students called to Military Active Duty
Continuing Education Community Service
Credit for Competency-Based Education and Prior Learning  



Academic Advising

BOR III-2.50

Academic advising is a process which helps students identify their career and life goals and assists in the development of an educational plan that helps students meet these goals.  At Salisbury University, advising make take place formally or informally by designated academic advisors, faculty mentors, and/or other faculty and staff. Effective advising occurs when there exists a partnership between the advisor and the advisee; each fulfilling the responsibilities of their role. Students are responsible for seeking out their advisors for assistance in addressing academic issues.

Matriculated students are responsible for their own academic programs and for meeting all University and departmental requirements. To plan coursework effectively, students should regularly review their academic requirements report and transcript available through GullNet, meet regularly with their advisor and familiarize themselves with the academic regulations and programs described in the Academic Catalog and other University publications.

Academic advisors in the Academic Advising Center are assigned to each first-year college students in most majors. The academic advisor is responsible for assisting the student with understanding degree requirements, planning coursework and developing their understanding of academia at the university level. At the completion of their first year, students are assigned a faculty mentor to advise them throughout the remainder of their undergraduate career. Advising services coordinators (or ASCs) are responsible for providing advising support to individual units within Salisbury University. Students may be referred by their academic advisor or dean’s office to the ASC for their school for help with specific issues.

Faculty Advising

  1. All teaching faculty are required to advise matriculated students and to be available to meet with them outside formal classes.  It is suggested all full-time faculty members be available for three to five scheduled campus office hours each week. Part-time faculty members should be available for a number of hours in proportion to their teaching load. These scheduled hours should provide access for students at various times and on various days of the week.  The schedule of office hours is to be posted in syllabi, on the faculty member’s office door, and filed with the faculty member’s department chair or program director. During program planning weeks, it may be necessary for faculty to schedule additional office hours in order to accommodate advisees.
  2. Academic advisors and faculty mentors are assigned to matriculated students. First-year students who have declared a major are assigned an advisor in the Academic Advising Center (students in some majors are assigned to a faculty mentor in their first year).  Students who have not declared a major are assigned a professional advisor. Sophomores through seniors, including transfer students, are assigned a faculty mentor in their major department.
  3. Matriculated students must confer with their assigned academic advisor about course selections, requirements and other academic matters prior to registration each semester.
  4. There are two categories of undergraduate non-degree students (UND).  These categories and their management within the university advising system are as follows:
    1. Non-program students are students pursuing one or two courses on the basis of personal interest without reference to a degree program.  These students are not assigned advisors.  If, however, these students complete 30 semester hours of work, they must apply for admission to the University as matriculated students and will then be assigned advisors.
    2. Restricted status students are students who have been academically dismissed but who are permitted to continue to attend the University under the direction of the associate vice president of Academic Affairs (AVPAA).  Students on restricted status are advised by the Director of the Academic Advising Center.
  5. The Academic Advising Center website includes listings of many useful resources and support services for students and tools that are helpful for faculty advisors as well.

Undergraduate Student Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration

BOR III-2.40

Undergraduate students at Salisbury University may register concurrently at other institutions in the University System of Maryland in accordance with BOR III - 2.40 USM Policy on Undergraduate Student Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration. To obtain information relating to advising and registration of graduate students, please refer to Chapter 8: Graduate Education .

Eligibility to Register

BOR III-2.30

The information below pertains to undergraduate students.  For information related to advising and registration of graduate students, please see Chapter 8: Graduate Education .

Good Academic Standing (Undergraduate Students)

Students are admitted into Salisbury University in good academic standing.  Students who have received Salisbury University grades and whose Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages are at least 2.0 remain in good academic standing. Grade-point averages will be computed whenever grades are awarded or changed. Consequently, a student’s academic standing can change at any time. A student’s academic status and eligibility to register is described below.

Definitions of Academic Status

  1. Admitted (a.k.a. Matriculated) Students - students admitted to the University, attending full- or part-time, pursuing a bachelor’s degree.  They are either in good academic standing or on academic probation.
  2. Students in Good Academic Standing - students whose SU cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0. Students who are not in good academic standing are either on academic probation or on restricted status.
  3. Students on Academic Probation - students who are not in good academic standing but who are still admitted and pursuing degrees. Such students have academic (and other) limitations placed upon them.
  4. Restricted Status Students - previously-admitted students who have been dismissed because of poor academic performance and who are no longer degree-seeking students. These students are allowed to register as non-degree students and are limited to (8) credits per semester.
  5. Dismissed Students - previously-enrolled students who are no longer allowed to attend the University (for at least five years).

Unsatisfactory Academic Achievement (Undergraduate Students)

  1. Academic Probation, Restricted Status, and Academic Dismissal: Admitted students whose Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages are less than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.  Students on probation who fail to return to good standing or who fail to meet the criteria which allows them to remain on probation will be dismissed and their academic standing changed to restricted status. Restricted status students may be academically dismissed fully for a period of five years for inadequate academic performance.
  2. Academic Probation: Students on academic probation may register for no more than five courses for a total of (16) credit hours per semester and may not elect to take any courses on a pass/fail basis if the courses are offered for a grade. Admitted students who are in good academic standing at the beginning of a semester (or term or session) but who are no longer in good academic standing at the conclusion of that semester (respectively term or session), will be allowed to register as students on academic probation.  At the conclusion of any semesters (or terms or sessions) while on academic probation:

a. Students will be returned to good academic standing if their Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages are at least 2.0.

b. Students who fail to attain good academic standing will be allowed to continue to register as students on academic probation provided they satisfy both of the following conditions: 1) they earn semester (or term or session) grade-point averages of at least 2.0 and 2) their cumulative grade-point averages are greater than or equal to the appropriate minimums in the chart below.

c. Students on probation who fail to attain good academic standing will be dismissed and they will be allowed to continue to register for classes as restricted status students if either 1) they earn semester (or term or session) grade-point average less than 2.0 or 2) their cumulative grade-point averages are less than the appropriate minimums in the chart below.

Credit Hours (Including transfer credits) toward a degree Minimum SU Cumulative Grade-Point Average
Fewer than 30 1.4
30 - 35 1.5
36 - 41 1.6
42 - 47 1.7
48 - 53 1.8
54 - 59 1.9
60 or more 2.0


Note:  Students with (60) or more earned credit hours are expected to remain in good standing with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or better. 

  1. Restricted Status: Restricted status students may enroll in no more than two courses for a total of (8) credit hours per semester.  There are additional University policies limiting the activities in which students in restricted status may engage.  In special circumstances, the Office of Academic Affairs may allow restricted status students to exceed these limitations, but in no case will restricted status students exceed the limitations placed upon students on academic probation.  Whenever students are placed in restricted status, they will have three registrations (for semesters, terms, or sessions) to attain cumulative grade-point averages of at least 2.0.  Students in restricted status who fail to attain Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages of at least 2.0 within the three-registration time frame will be fully dismissed for a period of five years.  Restricted status students who attain Salisbury University cumulative grade-point averages of at least 2.0 within the three-registration time frame may apply for readmission.   
  2. Academic Dismissal: Academically dismissed students may no longer register for classes at Salisbury University.  However, academically dismissed students who have not attended Salisbury University for five years or more and who can provide evidence of good academic promise may apply for readmission as students on academic probation or for classification as restricted status students.  Academic dismissal may be appealed to the Office of Academic Affairs.  Academically dismissed students may also qualify for academic clemency.
  3. Undergraduate Non-Degree Students: Undergraduate non-degree students (UND) are students usually pursuing one or two courses for personal or professional development and are not assigned an Advisor.  Upon completion of 30 semester hours, these students must apply for admission to the University as matriculated students.  The only UND students who are assigned advisors are restricted status students, who have been dismissed for inadequate academic performance but who are permitted to continue to attend the University under the direction of the Office of Academic Affairs.  Students on restricted status are advised by the Director of the Academic Advising Center. 

Summer and Special Sessions

BOR III-2.10

  1. Salisbury University offers special sessions during the summer and winter periods that use various formats to meet the needs of faculty and students.  In addition, the University offers evening sessions and extension programs that correspond to the fall, winter, spring or summer terms.
  2. Students who are interested in summer and/or winter programs follow the normal registration procedures established by the Registrar’s Office.  Any student who has not been denied admission as a matriculated student or who has not been academically dismissed from the University may register for courses during these sessions. 
  3. All special terms and sessions are governed by the University’s regulations and policies for instruction in undergraduate and graduate programs.  Consequently, all academic policies governing grading procedures, mid-semester notification of academic deficiency, procedures for withdrawal, etc. apply to these sessions.

Continuing Education

BOR III-2.00

  1. The University makes available traditional and non-traditional educational opportunities through evening courses, extension courses, non-credit courses, winter term, summer session, workshops/conferences, short courses, institutes, undergraduate and graduate courses and other types of educational/experimental experiences, both on campus and off campus.
  2. Traditional, credit-bearing courses are graded according to the same policies and guidelines for grading undergraduate and graduate courses offered in the University’s regular fall and spring academic semesters.
  3. The University has adopted the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for selected offerings in the Non-Credit Continuing Education Program as a method of recognizing, identifying, measuring and rewarding participation in non-credit certificate programs, special courses of varying lengths that are not part of the regular undergraduate or graduate degree programs.  The Continuing Education Unit is defined as “(10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsoring, capable direction and qualified instruction.”  Both professional and personal growth may be assessed in this manner. Courses for which CEU credit will be awarded are designated (CEU).

Credit for Competency-Based Education and Prior Learning

BOR III-1.41

The University operates under BOR III-1.41 Policy on Credit for Competency-Based Education and Prior Learning. For more information on credit for AP, CLEP, IV, and other standardized examinations, see the University’s Credit by Examination website.

Academic Clemency

BOR III-1.30

Salisbury University recognizes that some students may, for a variety of reasons, develop academic records that do not reflect their true abilities.  Students who leave the University with a poor academic record may wish to receive academic clemency upon their return.  To encourage students to try again after an unsuccessful experience, the University is prepared to extend academic clemency under the following conditions.

Eligibility and Outcomes

  1. Students requesting academic clemency may not have attended Salisbury University for at least five (5) calendar years.
  2. Students who have not attended for five previous years are only eligible for clemency once in their academic career.
  3. Students requesting academic clemency may petition to have the effects of up to sixteen (16) credit hours of D and/or F removed from the calculation of GPA.
  4. The actual grades of D and/or F grades which were received will remain on the academic record beside the courses in which they were earned but will be noted as removed from the GPA calculation with an X.
  5. When clemency is granted for D grades, the previously earned credits for those grades will be deleted from the student’s academic record.

Application Procedures

Students seeking academic clemency must carry out the following procedures no later than the semester before they apply for graduation.

1.  Obtain a Readmission Application and an Academic Clemency Request form from the Registrar’s Office.

2.  Submit the following to the Registrar’s Office.

a.     a completed readmission application.

b.     the completed and signed Academic Clemency Request form.

3.  If unsure of courses to request, an unofficial transcript may be obtained by following these instructions on the Registrar’s website.

4.  Students who are already readmitted to the University need not submit a readmission application.

5.  Clemency will not be reviewed until after the add/drop period.

Student Request for Waivers of Academic Policies


The academic policies of Salisbury University have been established by the faculty to guide students’ performance and to help ensure quality education at the University.  These policies and their related procedures are documented in full in the University Catalog and students are responsible for being aware of these policies and for planning their programs of study in accordance with them.  Where appropriate, waivers of particular types of academic policies may be granted by the following individuals.


Policy Type (see glossary for definition of terms)

Waiver Granting Authority

Late Drops

Dean’s Office*

Requirement of Academic Majors

Department Chair/School Director in collaboration with Program Director

Extension of Grades of Incomplete


Late Change of Pass-Fail/Credit Grades

Dean’s Office*

Enrollment Exceeding 19 Hours

Dean’s Office**

Credit by Challenge Examination

Dean’s Office*

General Education Requirements

Associate VP of Academic Affairs (AVPAA)

Final Thirty-Hour Requirement


Thirty-Hour Upper Division Requirement


Catalog Edition Graduation Requirement


Sixty-Hour Honors Requirement


Commencement Participation Policy



*Policies related to students should be signed by the dean of the school/college in which the students’ majors lies.

**Policies related to courses and curriculum should be approved within the school of the courses or curriculum affected.


1. Student Action

Students wishing to apply for waivers of academic policies and procedures must state their requests in writing and submit them to the appropriate person.  Written requests should include:

  1.  a letter of request, which provides a rationale for the waiver;
  2.  a copy of the policy and/or procedures for which the waiver is being requested;
  3.  a completed copy of any official form related to the waiver with all necessary signatures should be on the form.  (forms may be obtained in the Office of Academic Affairs); and
  4.  letters of support for the request from faculty, academic administrators, physicians and so forth, if these are appropriate to the request and available.

2. Response to Student Waiver Requests

When faculty or academic administrators receive waiver requests from students, they will review and consider these requests, gathering additional information and referring the request to the Academic Policies Committee as appropriate.  Except for requests for extensions of grades of Incomplete, an academic administrator will notify students in writing of the status of the request within five (5) working days of the submission of the requests and, as appropriate, send copies of these notifications to the Academic Policies Committee.

In all cases where students’ requests for waivers are denied, faculty, administrators, or and the Academic Policies Committee shall inform students of these denials in writing within five (5) working days and will maintain file copies of these denials for three years.

3.  Limitation of a Student’s Right of Appeal

A student who appeals a decision of a waiver of an academic requirement directly to the Provost and has the appeal denied by the officer may not subsequently appeal that denial to the Academic Policies Committee.  A student who appeals a denial of a waiver to the Academic Policies Committee, and who then has the appeal denied by the Provost, may not subsequently re-appeal that denial to the Academic Policies Committee.

4. Final Thirty Hours

Students must take (30) of their last (37) credit hours at Salisbury University (special cooperative programs excepted).

Classification of Undergraduate Students 

BOR III-6.40

I.     A full-time undergraduate student is one who is registered during any fall or spring semester in any day and/or evening courses totaling twelve (12) or more credit hours.

II.    Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of semester hours they have completed with grades of A, B, C, D, or PS as follows:

Classification                 Completed Credit Hours
First-Year         0 - 29
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 and above

III.  Students are designated as follows:

  1.  Matriculated Students - full or part-time degree candidates who are assigned a faculty advisor in an academic department.
  2.  Undergraduate Non-Degree Students (UND) includes both non-degree seeking and students on restricted status: Non-degree students may be taking one or two courses for enrichment or professional development (upon completion of 30 semester hours, these students must apply for admission to the University).  Students on restricted status have been academically dismissed but are permitted to attend classes with the approval of the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and are advised by the Director of the Academic Advising Center.
  3. All students enrolled for twelve (12) or more semester hours pay full-time tuition and fees regardless of classification.  Students enrolled for 11 or fewer semester hours pay tuition assessed on a per-credit basis and pay part-time fees.

Students who are Called to Active Military Duty

BOR V-7.00

Students called to active duty are afforded the following:

  1. They may withdraw outright receiving W’s in all courses and receive a full refund for the semester.
  2. They may receive W’s in some courses (with no refund) and negotiate with faculty members for Incompletes in other courses.
  3. As an alternative to a full refund and receiving W’s in all courses, they may negotiate with faculty members for Incompletes in all courses. The terms negotiated by faculty members and students for incomplete grades should be specific for the individual and reasonable time frame involved.  It is, of course, the students’ prerogative to initiate the negotiation.
  4. A refund of room and board fees will be issued based on the actual days of occupancy.
  5. Students who leave the institution in good academic standing may submit a readmission application to be reinstated to the University.

Community Service

BOR V-6.00

  1. Salisbury University recognizes the value of involvement in community service.  Such service allows students to volunteer in their campus and local communities for experiences which are integrated with the academic program and provide valuable and rewarding learning experiences.
  2. Consistent with its mission, the University provides administrative mechanisms for its student community services in courses in each school and college of the University and in many campus clubs and organizations.  Details about these kinds of community service opportunities appear are available through SU’s Volunteer Center, the Institute for Public Affairs & Civic Engagement, course syllabi, the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, and other campus functions.




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